Doin It For Rural Aussie Kids | Simply Giving
Doin It For Rural Aussie Kids

Christmas Toy Drive

Doin It For Rural Aussie Kids provides support to Rural Australian Children and families doing it to ... more
Doin It For Rural Aussie Kids provides support to Rural Australian Children and families doing it tough - each Christmas we provide individual and personalised Santa Sacks to the kids which alleviates the financial burden on the family as a whole. We also visit Rural and Remote Schools, meeting students and taking part in inspirational and motivational chats with the kids, developing their self-belief and ability to achieve the seemingly impossible. Each school student receives a Christmas gift - for some of these children this is the only gift that they will receive for Christmas. less

so far we've collected

38 toys | $957

Help us reach our goal of 140 toys worth $3,500


Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0020

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0030

0 - 3 Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0040

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0050

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0075

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0100

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0125

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0150

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0200

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0250

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0500

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 1000

0 - 13+ Yr olds



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