Hobart City Mission | Simply Giving
Hobart City Mission

Hobart City Mission Toy Drive

Every year, hundreds of families are forced to go without at Christmas. You can help bring happine ... more
Every year, hundreds of families are forced to go without at Christmas. You can help bring happiness to families in Southern Tasmania by donating a toy this Christmas. For many people who are doing it tough, Christmas is a time of stress and sadness. Providing gifts for children can put serious financial strain on a family. For many, they have no option but to go without the simple pleasures that so many of us take for granted. You can help bring Christmas to individuals and families doing it tough in Southern Tasmania. By donating a toy online, there are many benefits. Not only does it save you time, but it also means less storage for us in the lead-up to Christmas (the toys get delivered right before we give them out), and an appropriate selection of gifts for the children. Help us reach our goal of 400 toys worth $10,000 – by clicking below! less

so far we've collected

314 toys | $7,854

Help us reach our goal of 400 toys worth $10,000


Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0020

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0030

0 - 3 Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0040

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0050

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0075

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0100

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0125

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0150

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0200

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0250

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 0500

0 - 13+ Yr olds



Quick Donation - Charity will choose the toys they need most! 1000

0 - 13+ Yr olds



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Australia's most used and trusted online toy drive facility. Donate a toy to a child in need. Learn more

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